Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July British Book Challenge 2011: Puddle Goblins

Title: Puddle Goblins
Author: David Melling
Published: Hodder Children's Books, 2008

The land of the goblins is hidden, but not so far away. If you look carefully, you might just find it … One day, Septic the goblin falls down a deep dark well. He likes it there, but hopes someone will rescue him one day …
From author's website
I was lent this heavily annotated version by Jan from my critique group. Considering we are all following the advice of reading around our genre, I don't know why we didn't think to share books before. Anyway...

Star parts:  I love David Melling. He regularly posts his pictures on Trapped by Monsters and I have to admit to rather falling in love with them. I pretend I'm showing them to my LO, but really I'm going: 'I wish I could paint like that', 'I wish I'd imagined something like that.' So I was really rather looking forward to Puddle Goblins because we love Hugless Douglas and we've gone all international and got the French version of Don't worry Douglas. Good Knight, Sleep tight has recently been added to our Melling repetoire as well. But...
Black clouds: ...well it was a bit boring. I didn't get into the characters and the story was a bit silly. I know it's for younger readers than I usually read for, but ...
 Do I recommend it: ...I'm very sorry, but it wasn't my cup of tea really. I feel very bad, because like I said I'm a fan of the picture books, I really am. The illustrations are still fantastic, and there are plenty of good gags in it, but... never mind hey, because I've named at least three great books, and it won't be putting me off getting more of his picture books. 

This is the ninth book I've reviewed for the British Book Challenge. I've finished THE GOOD MAN JESUS AND THE SCOUNDREL CHRIST and am now taking a break from Children's books and the BBC to read THE ROAD it is not bedtime reading, so maybe I should stop reading it at bedtime.

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