Sunday, August 05, 2007

Break the Rules?

This morning I was woken up by the phone ringing. I was in the middle of this dream where this man had taken two children hostage in this kind of package holiday type place. I had the impression that the man wasn’t a bad man, but my dream never got the chance to reveal this to me as the phone was ringing.

I recognised the number as I picked up and in the time it took me to answer I had already silently grumbled to myself about what was she doing calling me at this time of the morning, and how many times have I told her not to call me until after 10.30am. My mother’s standard reply when I say hello is to ask if she has woken me up. Usually the answer is yes, but today she didn’t even ask and so accustomed am I to this being the course of our conversation that I offered up the information myself. When I heard the little gasp and the reply, “Maybe you needed to sleep,” I began to wonder what time it was. ELEVEN THIRTY! I’d slept away almost all of the morning of the second summery day in Paris! Shit. And why did I need to sleep? I’m on holiday. Admittedly I have been to the gym every other day this week, celebrated a birthday, gone to some cheesy disco thing where I left before the disco got started and almost got gassed at the Writing group (but that’s another story), plus did a fair amount of writing, but...

I’m going back to that Masello book here. There are actually 102 rules, the last one being break all the rules and generally the title of the rules tend to be a little misleading, in that rule no. 53 says set an alarm clock and is about setting an alarm clock to get to your desk, but after that sentence it’s not. But anyway, here goes, I am making a decision here. Even though it is the holidays and setting an alarm clock and routine goes deeply against the grain, I am spending an awful lot of time just generally farting around. So there it’s done, I’ve set it, I’ve reset it for twenty minutes earlier and well ... we’ll see, after all rule 102 is break all the rules.

BTW – Sunday Scribblings prompt word this week is ‘Decision.’


rel said...

This making of decisions can be difficult and frustrating. ;-)
The canundrum is that no matter what we do...we've made a decision.
Thanks for the tip on the Masello book, I've decided to buy it.

Unknown said...

That's true about making decisions, I hadn't thought of it like that. Meanwhile, maybe I should get in touch with Mr. Masello and get some commission, you're the second person who's said you're going to buy the book based on my recommendation!

Jon M said...

Get up really, really early it's hard but it's amazing how much more day there is...and you can have an afternoon nap without feeling guilty! I crawled out of bed at 10:20 today...too much vino!

Unknown said...

I suspect vino may have had something to do with my unexpected lie in this morning. Still I've had none today. For some reason I seem to have written my outline in the tiniest handwriting as if paper was going to go out of fashion! Man! I also hit 50,000 today, which is quite cheering as I thought I was heading for 60, but I seem to be only halfway through! Oh bugger.

Unknown said...

I do lots of writing in the middle of the night as well as the odd blog visit!

Apart from that, I find that having the structure of a work day forces me to sharpen my writing teeth quicker.
Left alone with the long days of a holiday, I just laze around and do lots of thinking about writing.

Unknown said...

Well it seems that I followed Jon's advice. At 3am this morning I was still buzzing so I got up. Do you think it counts as afternoon nap if it's 4.30am? Anyway, will try again tomorrow, hopefully after a good night's sleep.

Marie said...

I have always hated mornings, but I now realise that they can be very productive times for me as I do tend to get more writing done if I get up really early.

The worst times for me to write are in the afternoon. My creativity isn't at its highest then. Nights would be ideal, but not practical at the moment.

Wanderlust Scarlett said...

Getting up early while on holiday will make your holiday seem longer... Jon is right.

But vino is always nice too...

And, for the record, rules are meant to be broken. That's the truly thrilling part.

Scarlett & Viaggiatore


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